Taking a long-time view of the market, i.e. 7 years, a correlation between the Share-of-Voice (SOV) and the Market-Share (MS) can be seen. Below we have analysed the Fast-Food restaurant market in Romania, by comparing its Market Share and Visibility KPI’s in 2010, and 2017 respectively. The leading brands, McDonald’s and KFC had the biggest Market Share and Share-of-Voice back in 2010, and they kept its leading position on both chapters 7 years later.
Since 2010, 2 players out 5 got out of the scene: Burger King (an international brand, that eventually closed business just after a couple of years of operation), and Snack Atack (initially a local, entrepreneurial brand, that was sold after a successful start-up and then, closed…). None of them could not make it on the local market, neither in terms of Share-of-Voice, or Market share!
On the contrary, Pizza Hut had a lighter entrance in the market, with a healthy Share Gap of 6% back in 2010, and now in 2017 they are in the Top positions both in terms of SOV and MS (and with a healthy Share Gap of 9%).
In 2017, 2 new players entered the scene: Spartan (we can proudly say that they are United Client, and their Top SOV position is due to our co-operation), and Salad Box, both of them local entrepreneurial business. Spartan has an already healthy Share Gap, while salad box is concentrated on local, as well as international development. Both brands need to grow both in terms of MS, and SOV, and our estimation is that their Share Gap need to enlarge to 8 to 10 percentage points.